First, I’d say I’m not in support of a wife cheating, cheating is wrong morally and in every other aspect you can think of. There should be no excuse for a wife to cheat, marriage is a serious thing, and it’s a vow between two people to be true to each other.

But I have this to say, for a woman to cheat then something must have gone wrong somewhere. The man must have as well failed in his duties in one way or the other, and I’m not even talking about sexually, but in some other very important aspects of that relationship. Maybe he stopped showing her care, maybe he stopped showing her love, maybe she has been feeling miserable in that relationship and needed to have some fresh air; and I’m not saying it’s the right thing to do, I’m just saying the husband must have lost it somewhere. Women are easily affected emotionally when they aren’t shown love and care; they all respond, though in different ways, maybe the only way out for some is cheating.

One thing I’ve noticed is that men always feel like they are the king of the jungle. Men cheat, and I’m referring to married men; they cheat and think it’s okay and expect their wives to be true to them; and the moment he catches her cheating, he gets mad and chases her out of the house. Now I want to get something right, so it’s okay for a man to cheat but not okay when a woman cheats?

Another thing I’ve noticed is that when a man cheats on his wife and gets caught, he begs for forgiveness, he begs with every emotion and expects to be forgiven but when that same man sees his wife cheat, it’s the end of that marriage; she’s leaving. This really baffles me a lot.

I’m not saying cheating is right, I’m just on the opinion that for a woman to cheat then the man must have as well failed in his duties and both parties should be blamed. Cheating of cause is wrong but chasing her out might not really be the best option.



  1. But if you cheated, you would want her to forgive and take you back or would you prefer she kicked YOU to the curb?

  2. God bless the 2nd judge! I guess he’s a critical thinker. Most men cheat n expect to be fgvn, what happens when its d woman? They won’t think something caused it, they won’t chk thrsef, they juz throw out d woman n end d marriage. Maybe its high time women start ending marriages when thr hubby is caught. Cheating is bad, and it applies to both parties, no one has d right to cheat in a marriage!

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