Hello folks, it’s time for another Elcrema Sunday Love Special and it’s yet another debatable topic. So many men have kicked out their wives for cheating and just a few have forgiven their wives.
I’m S.O.Z and I’d be handling this piece with Drama, cheating is always a big case in relationships and marriage and cheating wives have never been a rarity. I’d like your opinion on this issue but first let’s see what Drama has to say.
Cheating in marriage is a sin, not just against God, but also against humanity because marriage is a sacred union; one between two people who come together and agree to spend the rest of their lives with each other. In other words, two people promise and swear to each other to be there for each other, and remain true to themselves no matter what. Cheating is a violation of this promise and oath; it amounts to total disregard for the oath taken on the altar and the feelings of the other spouse. Now, why should I stick with a person who has shown blatant disregard for my emotions? Absolutely no reason whatsoever. I do not subscribe to the idea that cheating is a result of temptations beyond our control because I believe every human has within himself or herself the ability to tell bad from good. We own ourselves, and can control our emotions.
I think cheating is clearly a sign from one spouse to the other that they’re tired of the marriage and want to be with someone else (although they may not yet know it). So the best bet against a situation like this is to let the person go, and move on with your life because no matter what happens, once a cheat, always a cheat. And you probably didn’t know this, but nothing can drive a man to an early grave faster than an unhappy home. Even if I already have kids with an infidel wife, I’d still divorce her and let her go, not minding how difficult it could be. Someday, when our kids are fully grown and mature, they’ll understand why I couldn’t allow an unfaithful woman to bring them up.
I cannot and would never encourage any man to stick with a cheating wife because like I said once a cheat, always a cheat. You may forgive her today with promises of a better behaviour from her, but what’s the guarantee that she’ll change? What’s to stop her from continuing in her immoral ways? Cheating is like any other sin, the moment you indulge; it’s difficult to stop yourself. You forgive her for cheating with James today, tomorrow, it could be with john and it’ll continue like that until you turn a laughing stock amongst your friends and family, and before you know it, you’re driven to an early grave.
You don’t want this to happen brethren, take charge of your family and life and save yourself from shame. Remember the adage that says, “remove the monkey’s hand from the pot of soup early enough before it turns to that of a human”. A word they say is enough for the wise.
Click below to read my own opinion
But if you cheated, you would want her to forgive and take you back or would you prefer she kicked YOU to the curb?
God bless the 2nd judge! I guess he’s a critical thinker. Most men cheat n expect to be fgvn, what happens when its d woman? They won’t think something caused it, they won’t chk thrsef, they juz throw out d woman n end d marriage. Maybe its high time women start ending marriages when thr hubby is caught. Cheating is bad, and it applies to both parties, no one has d right to cheat in a marriage!