couple holding hands

There is this old school of thought that you can get married to someone even when you don’t really love that person; the belief is that love grows and isn’t something that comes up once…so after a while, you would end up loving that person.

Do you believe in that school of thought? Do you think it’s healthy to enter that relationship or marriage when your feelings aren’t totally placed? Do you believe the love would eventually grow?

That’s the topic for discussion on this Sunday’s edition of Elcrema Sunday Love Special.

Shawn and Drama and would air their views below:


Love, relationships and marriage have this somewhat complicated and yet simple triangular formation; when you feel two plus two would give you four, it wouldn’t…and when you feel it wouldn’t, that is when it would.

People have entered such relationships and marriages where they didn’t love their partner at first, but they were loved totally by that person and at the end of the day, they fell in love due to the love the other person showed. Likewise, people have entered relationships and marriages with both partner loving each other, but it ended in hate and divorce.

It is true that someone might love you hundred percent, but you wouldn’t feel same about that person. It’s also true that you can get to love that person later on, even though that’s only a probability. As regards marriage though, it’s quite risky to go into it when you aren’t sure of how you feel, even though your partner loves you totally. Marriage is by far a bigger and more sacred institution; by all means you have to be sure and be ready for what you are going into; anything other than that could be dangerous.

Whilst some people who have experienced success in marrying someone they didn’t love at first, a lot have also experienced regrets. Some later meet someone who they deem is truly the right person for them, some cheat on their partner, some don’t give their all…and the list goes on.

When you are uncertain about a person, you can date and court that person for a while before you make your final judgement; but if you rush into marriage, you might definitely rush out it too.

Click below to read Drama’s opinion
