A popular adage says money answers all things but is it really true? Just before you say yes, I have lot of things you can’t buy with money.

Below are 30 things money can’t buy

1. Wisdom

2. Youth

3. Common sense

4. Trust

5. Peace of mind

6. Justice

7. True friends who have your back

8. A satisfying nap

9. Waking up every morning

10. Talent

11. Humility

12. 25-hour day

13. The moments that take your breath away

14. True love

15. A happy home

16. Just being alive

17. Childhood memories

18. Quality time with your loved ones

19. A good reputation

20. Luck

21. A clear conscience

22. Long life

23. Integrity

24. A worry-free day

25. A happy home

26. A second chance in life

27. A family you can always count on

28. A family you can always count on

29. The feeling you get when you look at someone you love

30. Class

So what else do you think money can’t buy?

