
Is washing your partner’s underwear a romantic gesture? I think it absolutely is. Love is free and all- encompassing, so I don’t think we’re limited in ways we can show or express our love for our partner(s). I know It’s considered wrong in most societies for a man to do the laundry when he has a woman around talk less of washing even her underwear, but I find that quite unfair,  funny and ironical at the same time. I’ll elaborate. Now, if you look around closely, you’ll notice that at least, 90% of men in a serious relationship have (or expect to have) their laundry (including their underwear) done by their partner, but would not harbour the thought of returning the favor to their woman even when she’s not healthy enough— the same person they claim to love and appreciate. It is utterly unfair and shouldn’t not be the case. Love is fair and should be understanding; if you actually love your partner, you should be comfortable enough to help her do her laundry (including her underwear) every once in a while. I’m not saying it should become habitual, but it doesn’t hurt to do it occasionally. It is a way of telling her that you in fact, do appreciate her and all the other times that she’s helped with the chores. Women are humans too; they’re not there to become slaves and bossed over, they deserve to be loved, appreciated and cared for; and one of the ways we can do that is by doing those things they would never imagine us doing. On a good day, tell her, “honey, take a day off, I’m doing the laundry today”. She might insist on doing it herself, but let her know you really want to, and you’ll see how delighted she’ll be in the end.


Do you wash your lady’s undies? Ladies, would you love it if your man helps with that? What’s your take on this?
