So what is it about a man that attracts him to a woman? This question is a very broad one but it’s a question most men out there would love to have an answer to.
Women like to date men who make them laugh due to evolutionary differences hard-wired into our brains, according to a research by Stanford University School of Medicine in 2013.
The study involved scanning the brains of 22 girls and boys aged from six to 13 as they viewed funny videos, such as people falling over and animals performing tricks.
The children in the study also watched ‘positive’ clips, featuring dancers and snowboarders, and neutral clips, featuring nature videos and children riding bikes.
The researchers found out that during funny clips, girls brains showed more heightened activity than the boys’ in a range of areas including the midbrain and amygdala.
According to this study, women use a man’s ability to make them laugh as a way to judge his genetic fitness as a suitable partner and potential father.
“Our data for the first time disclose that sex differences in humour appreciation already exist in young children,” the researchers wrote.
The researchers also added their findings suggest selecting a mate by responding to humour is more effective in women “because the female brain, and particularly the reward circuit, is biologically better prepared to respond accordingly.”
The study is published in the journal Social Neuroscience.
So if you can make her laugh, your chances of being with her would be higher.