Broke Guy 357

In a world where money is given so much importance, and the value of everything is measured in terms of it, it becomes difficult for those who lack or don’t have enough of it (money) to matter in the scheme of things.

Everything in the world today has a price tag including love. I remember back in the days, it was totally different. I mean, love was difficult to find, but it wasn’t because of money, rather it was largely based on emotions and people’s ability to connect. If you were born before the 21st century, then, you would understand what I’m saying. Then, spending money was not an issue in relationships because it wasn’t the foundation on which it was built. If you spent money, it was solely because you wanted to, not because you had to.

I remember the first relationship I had; I didn’t spend a dime on this girl (who was supposedly the hottest in college at the time). The only time I spent on her was when I got her a gift (a set of earrings) which I did without breaking a sweat. She didn’t ask me for nothing…not even $1. And this wasn’t the case with me alone, but with every of my friend at the time. You may argue that this happened because we were all still very young, but how many younger men today (both in and out of college) can boastfully say they’re in a relationship where they don’t have to spend to keep the girl around? How many young girls today even want to date boys within their age circle? Things have completely changed, and with each passing moment, it keeps getting worse. Young women no longer date people of their age circle because they believe that most of them aren’t financially stable enough to take care of them…but you look at it all critically, and you realise that the responsibilities that come with having a girl these days even makes it more difficult for financially impoverished guys to find the courage to ask a girl out. You have to buy her weaves (which she changes every 2 or 3 weeks), take her shopping as often as every once in a month, irrespective of how much you earn, buy her toiletries and stuff, sometimes, she even wants you to pay her rent/feed her. It’s almost like you have to take full responsibility of the girls’ upkeep…

And one begins to wonder—where do broke guys look to for love in a world such as ours? Does this trend mean they don’t get to date or get married? Or do they have to wait till they make money before they get some loving? I mean, what happened to dating because you actually have feelings real for someone?  It’s crazy really, guys. Please, share your thoughts and experiences with me—do broke guys date? Ladies, would you  date any broke guy?

