If you have got a partner with big boobs, this information might just be useful to you. According to a research, women with bra sizes larger than a B are more likely to be shopaholics. So if you are married to one, you should have a fat account to accommodate her wants, LOL.
According to the research by e-commerce group Alibaba, ladies with a cup size of B or smaller tend to save their pennies, while more well-endowed women are more likely to splurge on luxury items. So the size of a woman’s purse doesn’t reveal her shopping habits but the size of her bra according to the research.
According to the data above released by Alibaba, only seven per cent of B-sized women buy in either of the ‘high spending’ categories. E-sized women are at 33 per cent, D-sized women are at 24 per cent and 17 per cent of C-sized are high spenders.
Overall, Alibaba found 65 per cent of women with a B-size cup fell into the ‘low’ spend category, while those of a size C or higher can be found mostly into the ‘middle’ or higher group.
So do you agree with the study?