Genital itching is not an issue to hush about in a hurry; it’s a discomfort male and female feel at the genital area which can be caused by a host of factors like allergies and skin irritation or by more serious things like STDs and diabetes.
The discomfort starts with feelings of little uneasiness which sometimes induces one to scratch it and when being scratched, produces some kind of mixed sweet and uncomfortable feelings. If the situation gets worse, the pain might begin to add up.
Causes of genital itching
Genital itching could be caused by a host of factors which includes:
– Pubic lice: insects or crabs that usually live in the pubic hair.
– Allergic reactions
– Scabies: an extremely itchy skin disease caused by mites.
– Tinea cruris: a fungal skin infection that’s commonly known as ringworm of the groin.
– Sexually transmitted infections like herpes or trichomoniasis.
– Vaginitis – inflammation of the vaginal tissues.
– Chemical irritants such as soaps, cream, detergents, fabric softeners, ointments and sexual lubricants.
– Yeast infection and bacterial vaginosis which is a disease of the vagina that’s caused by bacteria.
– Skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis.
– Diabetes mellitus
– Penile and vulval cancer: rare types of cancer that occur in the skin or tissues of the penis and a woman’s external genitals.
These are the most common causes of genital itching, but it can also be controlled.
How to avoid the issue of genital itching
While genitial itching shouldn’t be taken for granted, it could also be well handled. In the case of diabetes mellitus and penile and vulval cancer, it’s advisable to see your doctor.
However, there are some important pointers to take note of to avoid genital itching:
1. Avoid staying in wet clothes for long periods.
2. Use mild soap and ensure you rinse well.
3. Ensure you wear protection before sleeping with your partner.
4. Ensure to change your underwear frequently.
5. After taking your bath, clean thoroughly and dry off water around your genital.
6. Use unscented laundry detergent to wash your underwear.
7. Wear clothes that would allow passage of air into the area. Tight fitted clothes would prevent air thereby causing moisture and irritation.
Also, females should ensure to wipe from back to front of the genital area after bowel movement or urination; this would help prevent bacterial infection from the anus to get into the Vee.
For the males, it is essential you wash your organ thoroughly; the area under the foreskin also should be washed after urination, for the uncircumcised male.
In cases where genital itching is caused by irritation or allergy, avoiding exposure to the irritant or allergen may be all that is needed for the itching to resolve.
If you have genital itching that does not disappear after a couple days or more, or causes you concern, talk to your doctor or another healthcare professional.
Failure to seek professional medical help could further complicate the problem.