3973 love couple


Love at first sight is one phrase that has filled musical videos; the script has been played in movies and soaps and has also been over-emphasized in romance novels. To me, I believe there has been this tame exaggeration of love at first sight, not because it isn’t a possibility but because the wrong message is what is being passed on to people.

Do I believe in love at first sight? I quite do, but it doesn’t end there. Two people can meet somewhere and develop strong feelings for each other or fall in love with each other if you must say, but it wouldn’t end there; it wouldn’t make the relationship more magical than all others but it could be a step in the right direction.

Sometimes our mind-set can even be our greatest enemy; you could have a crush on someone or lust after a person and your mind can exaggerate it to be love at first, and if you enter a relationship based on that lust which you deem as love, it could be suicidal.

I do not doubt the fact that love at first sight exists, but it is a rarity; many people realize later on that their partner whom they thought they loved at first wasn’t really what they felt. Crush or lust dies easily, but love doesn’t die easily. Love and lust have been misconstrued more often than not; lust is a deceptive twin of love and if you aren’t careful you may walk into the traps of lust thinking that you are in love.

Whether it’s love at first sight or not, the most important thing is building the relationship, building the trust and love in that relationship so that the relationship can stand the test of time.

Yes, love at first sight actually does exist but it also needs to be worked on, improved and refined else it would also die a natural death.

That’s our take on love at first; how much do you believe in love at first sight?
