It’s fashionable to grow beards these days, in fact the beard revolution among men is at its peak but microbiologist have warned that your beard could be as dirty as a toilet. Now that’s disgusting.
If you want your man to stop keeping beards, maybe you should make him read this and the trend is now a cause for concern.
‘I’m usually not surprised, and I was surprised by this,’ said Microbiologist John Golobic, of Quest Diagnostics in New Mexico after he swabbed a number of beards searching for bacteria.
Mr Golobic claims if the samples found in the beards were seen in the water system, it would have to be shut down for disinfecting.
While some beards contain normal bacteria, others contained so much that they were comparable to toilets.
Mr. Golobic recommends lots of hand washing and thorough beard scrubbing.
‘Try to keep your hands away from your face, as much as possible,” he added.
Don’t you think it’s time you go for a shave?