The way you handle yourself after a breakup can have a detrimental effect on your health or be the boost you need in life.
A 2010 study published in the Journal of Neurophysiology found that activity was induced in the part of the brain that also registers physical pain when study participants were shown pictures of their exes. In other words, the brain sends signals to the body that the effect of the breakup hurts. This further reveals what we already know about that the pain one feels after a breakup.
People have different ways of reacting to a breakup. A lot of the times appetite loss, lack of sleep, depression and a whole lot follows after a breakup. Colombia University psychologists suggests that intense emotional pain can activate the same networks of nerves as physical pain
People go through a similar bereavement process during a break up as when someone has died, Psychologist Dr Susan Quilliam told MailOnline.
‘They go through the bereavement cycle, typically shock, denial, grief, anger, blame, self-blame helplessness, fear of the future, depression and then acceptance,’
‘If people feel abandoned but don’t feel anger, they become depressed, they lose confidence in their ability to have a relationship in the future.
‘They (couple) go through the bereavement cycle, typically shock, denial, grief, anger, blame, self-blame, helplessness, fear of the future, depression and then acceptance
‘They become anxious, they may relive conversations and the break up in their minds. They may not sleep, which makes anxiety and depression worse.’ She revealed.
According to Psychologist Dr Susan Quilliam, remembering the reasons for the break-up, and trying to remember why it is a good idea can help prevent sinking into depression.
‘Particularly if a break up is wise, and you know it happened for a reason, you can come out a lot wiser. It can leave people stronger.
‘It can be the kick up the bum that leads you to learn how to love.’ she said
So how do you react after a breakup?