We all know that happy couple in an awesome relationship and with things working for them — but then one of them chooses to stray. And we get to wonder — how come, and ask questions like: But you guys were happy together?
Well, it’s not news that people in happy relationships also cheat, irrespective of the happiness and satisfaction in their relationships, and these are some of the reasons why.
At the end of the day, choosing to cheat on someone who has given everything for you is usually as a result of one’s poor moral standard. If you tend to think that it’s okay to cheat on your partner, it only shows a lot about your moral standard. So, even if such a person is in a happy relationship, the cheating nature will still be evident.
Just as people tend to get thrilled from doing some dangerous sports and taking certain risks, that kind of thrill could also drive a partner to cheat, even though such a partner is in a happy relationship.
Lust could also make a partner who’s happy in his/her relationship choose to seek something new, and that adventurous nature could see the person cheat.
4. SEX
A lot of the times, it boils down to the sex. You might be happy enough in your relationship, but you might not be sexually satisfied. And that urge for sexual satisfaction can push one to cheat, if care isn’t taken.
I don’t belong to the theory of thoughts of people who believe that cheating is hereditary and is in the genes. No! The fact that you have cheating parents don’t mean your case will be the same, except that’s what you want.
People get thrilled with the nature of cheating and make it a habit which eventually becomes part of them, that even happiness can’t refrain them from cheating. Cheating is a choice and an action, but people like these make it their nature and choose not to stop, no matter what.
You don’t have to be a superman to overcome certain temptations. All you need do, is to avoid those situations. But some people choose to test themselves and choose to take certain risks, and before they know it, they’re in the act of cheating on their partner.
People in happy relationships tend to cheat as well, and I believe it doesn’t get past this six reasons.