Ever been in a relationship and you just feel the love you are getting is never enough? You try to give your all and you get so little and it just seems like you would never get enough no matter what you do. Well, if you have ever felt this way welcome to the territory of love not being enough.
There is this weird feeling that sometimes exist in a relationship; it’s more like you are just alone in the relationship, your partner is there but it’s more like a mirage; the more you look the less you see. You get the “I love you sweetie” everyday but you somehow don’t feel loved. The feeling just sometimes puts you in a crazy emotion that makes you want to reach the roof top and scream at the top of your voice. You are in love but love isn’t just enough; if you have ever felt this way, then you’re not alone.
Have you ever been with your partner (your so called special one) and after all the nitty-gritty that comes with the daily routine of your relationship, the next question that comes into your mind is; so what next?
I know you might be wondering the mood of this writer and what might be going through his mind as he writes this piece. Honestly, I’m just in that mood where like Jill Scott; you want to take a long walk around the park after dark. One irony that beats me is that sometimes there is companionship in distance and distance in companionship; that’s if you understand what I mean.
Now back to the subject of love not being enough; it’s not that your partner has done anything wrong or isn’t there for you or you don’t love that person but you just for some fictitious reason feel it’s not enough. The crazy part is you have no basis for feeling that way; no one can just get how you feel so you wrap yourself under the encryption that it’s alright and it’s okay but what you feel is a far cry from reality.
Some relationships are just so cold, and when you see these kinds of relationship from afar, you won’t even envy them, instead you keep wondering how they still enjoy it. It’s not even about the sex not being good or them not having fun or going on dates or any other fun thing couples do; it’s about the relationship having no life but still you’re in love.
If you have never felt this way then I’m sorry because I must have bored you with my scribbles but if you have ever felt cheated by love (even though you claim to be in love) then this piece shows that I’m not really in a state of psychosis.
I want to task love; because I feel love should be more than a feeling; love should be a connection of two souls that even in distance the passion would still be at its apex. I hate that people fall in love and still feel hurt afterwards; I hate that we’ve made love seem so ordinary and we sometimes can’t tell if we’re in love; I hate that some people have made love look like something for the weak hearted, like an act for the feeble-minded; that’s how low love has deteriorated.
I task everyone to search deep within our soul for this precious stone and not be afraid to explore every bit of it; and hopefully, we’d get all we ever imagined and even more from love.