For so long, true friendship has been misconstrued and misinterpreted by people who either have no idea what it really is or just want to hide behind the cloak of ‘ignorance’ to exploit and deceive those in their life. Friendship has among other things, been viewed as a willingness to love and support those you really care about always, ‘no matter what’.

To a lot of people, friendship means accepting people the way they are, good or bad, with no conditions and expectations attached. Like if you’re an alcoholic, a lazy or promiscuous person, it shouldn’t affect the way I feel about you, and I should continue to accept and support you regardless. I have seen and heard people say stuff like, “a good friend isn’t the one that comes to bail you off jail, he’s the one that will sit beside you in jail and say, damn, we’re crazy though.” And I’m like really, is this how white- washed some of us have become? Friendship is about supporting mediocrity, foolishness and laziness? I refuse to join that bandwagon! I refuse to accept that as true friendship.

Friendship is about supporting those you genuinely care about, I absolutely agree, but what are you throwing your approval and weight behind? I cannot support an awful habit or attitude just because I want to make you feel good or score cheap points amongst people who clearly do not know anything.

If I call myself a good friend, I cannot allow you do anything that would be detrimental to your future in any way. Trust me, that friend who supports your crazy drinking habits, the one that cheers you on when you batter your woman or disrespect people isn’t your friend, they’re detractors! If you have two friends: the one who’s always making you continue in your bad ways, and one who’s always asking you to stop, the latter is your true friend.

Society needs to stop with the wrong impressions. We need to change the way certain things are perceived. We need to stop making what’s wrong seem good. We need to get it straight; friendship isn’t necessarily about supporting what makes one ‘happy’ no! It’s about doing what is in their best interest, even if it makes them ‘unhappy’ today.

