
Our smartphone might be a very important part of our lives but our relationships might be suffering from our use of smartphone, according to a study by researchers from The Pennsylvania State University and Brigman Young University in Utah (both in the U.S).

After surveying 143 women, the researchers found that a lot of people in long-term relationships are having to compete with their partner’s smartphone for attention.

In a poll conducted by the researchers, 62% of women claimed that technology interfered with time spent with their partner while almost one third of women surveyed claimed their boyfriend has looked at his smartphone during a conversation.

The study also found that about one quarter have seen their partner compose texts during face-to-face conversations while 75 percent said their smartphone is affecting their relationship.

It’s really important we do something about our phone use because it can slowly erode the quality of our relationship.

“By allowing technology to interfere with or interrupt conversations, activities and time with romantic partners – even when unintentional or for brief moments – individuals may be sending implicit messages about what they value most, leading to conflict and negative outcomes in personal life and relationships,” the study says.

Below are some important tips the researchers provided that ensure your phone use doesn’t ruin your relationship

1. Place the phone somewhere away from you on silent, such as in a purse or on a shelf.

2. If you need to check on something legitimately important, provide an explanation to your partner first and then check your phone.

3. Don’t get defensive if your partner expresses disdain at your constant texting or gaming. It’s your partner’s way of saying they’d like to connect with you in-person.

The study was published in the journal Psychology of Popular Media Culture.

