Public display of affection is a normal thing in this generation; seeing lovers love stricken with each other and can’t get their hands off each other might be a beautiful thing to behold. But when do public display of affection cross the line?
To some people, they feel so comfortable with PDA that they feel there should be no boundaries when it comes to PDA. In their thoughts, ‘if we both love each other, why can’t we feel comfortable in front of the world and show how we truly feel?’ I understand their perception, but in all honesty, it’s one-sided. To others, PDA is a sign of love and also a sign that your partner isn’t cheating on you with other men/women in the vicinity. But do one really need to use PDA as a gauge for love?
PDA could cross the line because there are different kinds of people with different kinds of personality. You shouldn’t place it as a must or see PDA as the ultimate when with a partner different from you. Not everyone feels comfortable kissing or even holding hands in public; they might love you truly, but PDA to them might feel awkward, unnecessary and an exaggeration of love. When dating someone like this, you should try to understand them and know when to draw the line with PDA. You could also gradually make them feel comfortable with PDA, and if it doesn’t work, fine — it doesn’t really matter.
PDA can also cross the line when it isn’t spontaneous, when it isn’t original and when it’s done to seek attention. A lot of PDA lovers love the attention that comes with PDA and this cancels the real definition of what PDA truly stands for. PDA should be genuine and spontaneous.
Is there anything like too much PDA? Yes, PDA can be extreme when it goes beyond what the public should see. PDA can be extreme when brought to bare in formal or religious gatherings; a simple touch or holding of hands might be okay, but anything beyond that could be extreme in such an environment.
PDA shouldn’t replace the real display of love and affection for your partner; PDA should just be a genuine and spontaneous act that comes out of a genuine affection and emotions from both partners.