In countries in the middle east and Africa where temperatures go over 40 degrees Celsius, the sun could actually have a damaging effect on the skin; one word that’s used to describe the heat of the sun is scorching; that shows how hot the sun could be.
The sun emits two kinds of UV radiation that affect your skin: UVA and UVB rays. UVA ages skin and UVB burns it. With their powers combined, the damage can have a significant effect on the skin.
While sun tanning could be said to be healthy to the skin, the same couldn’t be said about toiling under the sun. If the sun has darkened your skin, it’s because your skin cells are trying their best to produce as much protective melanin as possible.
6 foods that would help your skin after burns from the sun
Tomatoes are a major source of an antioxidant called lycopene, which has been proven to provide long-term protection against UV-radiation-induced effects. According to a study published in the Journal of British Dermatology, 20 healthy women, between ages 21 to 47 who ate a quarter cup (or four tablespoons) of tomato paste in olive oil every day for three months were more protected against sunburn than those who consumed olive oil alone.
There is this popular saying that water is life and that saying is absolutely true as water is used in everything we do, and it is also important in protecting your skin from the sun. The sun dehydrates you and a dehydrated skin is susceptible to damage. What water does is to provide hydration which would prevent a wrinkly skin and lessen the burning impact of the sun.
Fish contains selenium and protein which are vital for skin repair. It’s also a great source of Omega-3 fatty acid, which provides the skin with internal protection against the damaging rays of the sun.
Carrots aren’t just sweet and crunchy, they are also important as regards maintaining a healthy skin and protection against sun rays. In a Korean study, 30 healthy women received a daily dose of 30 milligrams of beta carotene (about six carrots’ worth) for three months. As a result, the antioxidants both protected and repaired cells from photoaging. Photoaging is the cumulative detrimental effects (as wrinkles or dark spots) on skin that result from long-term exposure to sunlight.
Green tea is also another food that can help protect your skin. Green tea contains antioxidant epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) and a high concentration of catechins which boast anti-inflammatory, anti-aging, and antioxidant effects that fight off free radicals from the sun; by neutralising free radicals, it limits their ability to cause damage to the skin.
Fruits rich in Vitamin C like oranges can also play an important role in protecting your skin from the harsh effect of sun rays. Vitamin C is great for helping kill off free radicals that your body produces in response to the cellular damaged caused by exposure to sunlight. Next time you shop for your groceries, buying some fruits won’t be a bad idea as well.
Face caps, sun glasses and protective clothing would help reduce the impact of the sun rays on your skin, but these six foods would do a world of good in revitalising your skin.
Could you be specific on the type of fish please. For we got so many types and species on the market: you talk of halibut,tuna,herring, anchovy, shark, whale, salmon, bonya, tilapia, mackerel, catfish et cetera et cetera.
Eat the type of fish you are comfortable with, Mark. LOL. its obvious you love fish.