Couple with Smartphone

I was having a conversation with some really good friends today, it was based on relationships of course, and somewhere along the line, one of them (my friend) popped the question — do you have to disclose your passwords to a woman you’re with, to prove you really love her? I’m talking passwords to social media pages, accounts, mobile phones, computers, etc.  Of course, it pretty much provoked a lot of reaction from all of us, and we were divided in our opinions.

Personally, though, I don’t see passwords as necessary criteria for proving the amount of affection you have for a woman or man, as the case may be. I want to believe that as persons, we should be entitled to keeping some things to ourselves, especially stuff as personal as passwords. Unless it’s a marriage relationship where the couple know and trust each other completely, I think it’s ill-advised to give out one’s passwords to someone they’re just dating, for all you know, they can change overnight, and decide to use such information against you. I don’t even think it’s appropriate for a woman or man to blackmail their partner into giving them their password in the name of love; that is immature, and should be discouraged.

As I mentioned earlier, unless you’re their husband or wife, you’re not entitled to knowing their passwords, and even then, it should not be your call to make, but theirs. Certain levels of trust have to be earned, and if your partner hasn’t given you access to every detail about their life, it simply means you have not earned it. Trust is earned, not forced out. That is my opinion.

You too can share yours with us, so we know what you think.

