sad woman in bed

The beauty of sex is in the willingness and excitement of both partners to indulge each other and enjoy sex with each other without force or coercion.

While it’s unfair for a woman to withhold sex from her man, it’s definitely rape for a man to forcefully have sex with her.

If you look at a case of rape and marital rape, there are so many similarities; use of force, aggression on the part of the man, unwillingness on the part of the woman, physical abuse to the woman, injuries to her vagina due to her not being stimulated for sex etc. The only separating factor between marital rape and the normal rape is the marriage factor. So rape really is rape, whether married or unmarried; if you have to beat and oppress a woman to forcefully have sex with her, it’s rape.

The fact that most societies don’t take marital rape serious because it is within the circles of marriage doesn’t make it justifiable.

On the part of the man, there are other ways you can you can induce your wife into having sex — it shouldn’t be forceful. and if it doesn’t work, you have to be a man about it — look for solutions to what’s making her withhold sex and try to talk about it with her. On the part of the woman, it’s definitely unfair to starve your man of sex.

But at the end of the day, I believe rape is rape, whether done in the confines of marriage or not.


That’s our take on today’s edition of Elcrema Sunday Love Special; if a man forcefully has sex with his wife, would you call it rape?
