During weddings, we all promise to stick together for better and for worse, in sickness and in health but do couples really stick together in sickness? Is it really as straightforward as it seems?
According to a study that has tracked 2,700 couples in the US from 1992 to 2010, divorce levels were roughly the same between healthy couples and those in which the husband suffered sickness but when disease hit the wife, the likelihood of divorce rose.
According to lead author Amelia Karraker, assistant professor in family studies at Iowa State University, husbands more likely than wives to seek divorce when partner falls sick because men may not be as attuned to taking on a caregiver role as women.
The research was published in the Journal of Health and Social Behaviour.
Maybe men should just stop saying “in sickness and in health” when they can’t be there for their wives when she is sick. I bet the ladies would agree with me on this.