Leafy green vegetables such as spinach are rich sources of folic acid. An inadequacy of folate can result in distorted sperm shapes such as ones with two heads or two tails. The sperm is also at an increased risk of chromosomal abnormalities. This means that firstly your sperm will find it difficult to reach an egg and even if it does reach an egg, it will not be able to fertilize it. Furthermore, even if these sperms are able to fertilize an egg, the chances of birth defects are quite high in such cases.
A green vegetable that is high in vitamin C; asparagus is also a good food to increase sperm volume. Vitamin C protects the sperm cells from the damaging effects of free radicals and thus ensures that the sperm store in the male reproductive system does not get depleted.
Garlic is a very effective food that has been used for centuries in treating various physical ailments including heart problems and respiratory infections. What most people don’t know is that it is also a potent aphrodisiac and very effective in boosting sperm volume. It contains a compound called allicin which improves blood flow to the male sexual organs, increasing sperm production and semen volume.
A lot of people only know carrots to be good for the eyes, but they do even more than that. The vitamin A contained in carrots is an important nutrient for increasing sperm production as well as improving their motility.
Dark chocolate contains L-Arginine; an amino acid which is known to increase fluid volume as well as improve the intensity of your orgasms. However, an excessive consumption of this can lead to great weight gain which will consequently reduce levels of testosterone in your body and your sperm count.
The consumption of these foods, coupled with a balanced diet will no doubt boost your sperm production. Good luck!