This post is for all those guys who are in a relationship, and don’t know exactly what to do to keep things going and flowing the way they should.
Love is a beautiful thing, but only those who can nurture and treat it well continue to enjoy it.
Here are some ways you can keep your woman happy in a relationship.
You don’t have to be too imposing or assertive to show you’re the man in your relationship. In fact, if you have to be like that, it means you’re insecure. Treat your woman with some respect. Do not treat her like some piece of furniture you just acquired. Be respectful, be loving, and she’ll be the same.
You must be able to remember key dates, events and preferences. I know this can be a bit of a challenge because some of us are very forgetful people, but it’s something we have to learn to do to keep our woman happy. Anniversaries, favourite foods, colours, drinks, hangout spot, the list continues. Remembering these things show you hold her in high esteem.
Well, of course, you’re probably not a doctor, so I’m not saying you have to understand every organ or fibre in her. I’m only saying a man should be able to understand his woman’s body system. You should know how her body works, what it responds to, the sensitive areas. For a married man, that is how you keep her happy in the bedroom.
You don’t have to go over the top always telling her how good she looks or how gorgeous her hair is or what a lovely outfit she’s wearing. A compliment has more effect when it is sincere, well timed and often, out of the blue. While a woman always loves hearing that she’s looking good, you can’t keep telling her that. It will lose its charm eventually. A compliment is valued when there is a surprise element to it. Telling her how witty you find her, how her intelligence turns you on, appreciating how thoughtful and generous she can be, or her gentle nature, all these are deeper compliments, which, when paid sincerely, make the recipient feel great.
Whomever you spend your time on, you appreciate and love. Nobody says they love another yet they’re rarely ever together. Always take time out of your busy schedule to be with her and keep her company. Visit often and surprise her if you don’t stay together, and make sure it’s time well spent. If there’s a chore to be done, you can help her with it.
It’s always said that women mature faster than guys and are often found complaining about how immature they act. Impress her with the way you deal with situations and your outlook on the whole. Show her how responsible you are about finances, or serious you are about your career. And demonstrate your ability to think clearly and rationally when disagreements crop up or a conflict of interests presents itself.
We all go into a relationship with the promise of being faithful and true to one another, but only a few keep this promise. You must stand out from the rest, show you’re different, and be there always. Don’t give her a reason to doubt your love and availability. The moment those are in doubt, it’s the end of everything.
I really do appreciate the hint you share with us on this platform. It is so educative and have been arousing the love spark in my relationship. Thank you so much and keep it up.