Every man expects to get it hard when they want to have a good time with their partner but sometimes he cannot get or keep an erection that is firm enough for him to have sex.
Below are causes of erection problems
Depression causes erection problems because sexual excitement starts in your head and works its way down. When you are depressed, your desire for sex is affected and this can lead to erection problems.
Anxiety is another cause of erection problems. The more you worry, the more your performance in the bedroom is affected.
If you have anger issues, you might need to work on it because anger can also affect your performance in the bedroom. Unexpressed or improperly expressed anger can contribute to performance problems in the bedroom and it’s important you manage your anger properly so it doesn’t affect your performance in the bedroom.
It’s common for most men to take a few drinks before a session in the bedroom but consuming too much alcohol can also affect your performance in the bedroom. So ensure you don’t consume too much alcohol.
I understand every man needs to work hard to earn more so he can take care of his needs and that of his family but working too much can lead to stress which is another cause of erection problems in a man. Ensure you get enough sleep, exercise regularly and relax when necessary to avoid stress.