If you think the only thing men dream of is making lots of money and chasing every beautiful lady they come across, you are definitely wrong. Every man has a dream woman and I have realised the woman in every man’s dream share some common qualities.
Every woman has a dream man but most times struggle to get their man because their dream man’s dream girl doesn’t share the same qualities with them. So let me compare a woman’s dream man and a man’s dream woman and see if we can find common grounds.
Most ladies would tell you they want a man comfortable enough to take care of them; they believe it’s a man’s traditional responsibility. No matter how much they earn, they believe their income shouldn’t be spent on a man but instead it should be the man spending on them.
I kind of agree it’s a man’s responsibility to cater for his woman but most men would tell you they love a woman that is hardworking and can take care of themselves.
During a conversation with some friends while writing this article, a friend argued that times have changed. He agreed it was a man’s traditional role to cater for all of his woman’s needs but argued his forefathers did that at a time when the women were not expected to work. He argued he doesn’t understand why his woman would work 8 hours daily and still expect him to pay her bills.
So I asked him who his dream woman is and he mentioned the following qualities as qualities his dream woman should possess
– She is beautiful
– She is smart
– She is hardworking
– She has her own and doesn’t depend on anyone
– She is good under the sheets
He also made a point I really loved. He said his dream woman should be hardworking enough to cater for her needs but that shouldn’t stop him from been there for her financially when she needs him.
So I think all he was trying to say was his dream woman shouldn’t see him as a jackpot she had just won. She shouldn’t see him as a supreme being that would supply all her needs. Other friends agreed with his point and concluded those are the qualities they expect to see in their dream woman.
So I ask all the men reading this, do you agree with him or are the qualities of your dream woman different from his?
Yes correctly narrated!!!!
I totally agree with him