bladder infection

Bladder infection is more common in women than in men and is a bacterial infection within the bladder. Bladder infections are also known as cystitis or inflammation of the bladder.

Why bladder infection is common in women than men isn’t known yet but some doctors suspect it could be due to women having a shorter urethra which makes it easier for bacteria to find their way into the bladder.

So what could be the cause of bladder infection?

Most bladder infections are caused by various strains of E. coli, bacteria that normally live in the gut. An infection may occur if there is too much bacteria in the body or if it’s not destroyed properly through urination.

Bladder infections also come from two sexually transmitted bacteria: chlamydia and mycoplasma. Unlike E. coli, these are typically transmitted only through sexual intercourse, and they affect the reproductive organs in addition to the bladder.

What factors increase the risk of bladder infections?

Factors that increase the risk of bladder infections include: pregnancy, age, home and hospital use of catheters — tubes inserted into the bladder to empty it, insufficient fluid intake, enlarged prostate, and urinary retention, which is difficulty emptying the bladder.

What are signs you might have bladder infection?

Some of the common symptoms of bladder infection include: frequent sensation of having to urinate, urinating more often, pain or burning sensation when urinating, bloody urine and foul-smelling urine. You should also note that the symptoms of bladder infection vary depending on the severity.

How can bladder infections be treated?

Taking plenty fluid (water preferably) can help flush the bacteria out of your bladder. Drinking cranberry juice helps increase the acid levels in your urine which helps destroy the bacteria. Taking cranberry juice also helps prevents bacteria from sticking to the bladder walls. These recommendations shouldn’t substitute visiting your doctor for advice and treatment.

How can we prevent bladder infections?

Is it really possible to prevent bladder infections and if yes how can this be done? Making the following lifestyle changes can help prevent bladder infections: drinking enough water daily (at least 6 glasses), urinate before and after sex, drink cranberry juice daily, avoid using douches, urinate as soon as you feel the need to, use nonspermicidal lubricated condoms, wear cotton underwear, change your underwear regularly and wipe from front to back after urinating if you are female.

