Magnesium is a nutrient that is essential to the body, but many aren’t even aware of the importance of magnesium to our health.
Magnesium performs functions such as: boost our immune system, boost our cardiovascular system, prevents inflammation and plays an important role in every body function and tissue.
Research has found that high magnesium intake could cut the risk of a heart attack and as well as reduce the risk of developing diabetes.
Magnesium plays a role as enzyme co-factors and regulate over 300 biochemical reactions in the body. Muscle and nerve function, regulation of blood pressure, energy production and blood glucose control are some other functions of magnesium.
Magnesium should be a huge part of your diet, and below are foods that contain magnesium:
Banana is mostly known for its potassium content as it helps promote a healthy heart and stronger bones and muscles. Banana is also a good source of vitamin C and fibre, and the highly nutritious fruit also contains a good proportion of magnesium.
Almonds also contain a good proportion of magnesium; they also contain vitamin E, protein and omega- 3 fatty acids. They are heart-healthy, boosts the immune system and promotes healthy eyes.
Low-fat yoghurt also contains a good amount of magnesium and as well as calcium. Magnesium and calcium complement each other, and magnesium helps the body absorb and make use of calcium better.
This list wouldn’t be complete without mentioning vegetables. They are packed with essential nutrients like magnesium, minerals and vitamins. Vegetables come with a lot of health benefits that would be essential to your body.
Oatmeal isn’t just rich in omega- 3 fatty acids, but it’s also rich in magnesium, potassium and as well fibre.
Cashew contains a good amount of magnesium and is also a good source of iron and vitamin K.
Avocado is one of the healthiest fruits there is and it contains a good amount of magnesium. Avocado is also packed with vitamins that boosts the immune system and they are also heart friendly.
Adding fish to your menu is another great way of adding magnesium to your diet. Fish contains a high amount of magnesium and is also a good source of omega- 3 fatty acids.
We all love chocolate and its magnesium content is another reason to love magnesium. Dark chocolate is a good source of magnesium and it’s packed with a host of health benefits as well.
Magnesium should be a daily part of your diet and these foods mentioned above are good sources of magnesium.