A toxic relationship is a poisonous relationship, it could harm you in various ways and such a relationship isn’t really good for anyone.
Toxic relationships are everywhere, people find themselves in these kinds of relationships and still don’t know how to leave it for various reasons; but it doesn’t change the fact that a toxic relationship isn’t good for anybody.
Below are 8 kinds of toxic relationships people find themselves in:
Domestic violence happens a lot in many marriages and relationships and this is really toxic in every sense of the word. A partner (most likely the female partner) that suffers from domestic violence lives in fear and terror; a little mistake or even just a word from her could lead to her partner pouncing on her with the fury of a lion; such a relationship wouldn’t only affect your body but your mind as well. They are toxic.
This is also another common kind of toxic relationship but people pay more attention to domestic violence and little or nothing is heard about the relationship with verbal abuse. Words could be very harmful in a relationship, they could sting in a way even physical abuse can’t, and the impact of this leaves lasting memories.
A relationship where love doesn’t exist shouldn’t even exist in the first place. A relationship should be built on the fact that two people who actually love each other come together to have that special union. When love doesn’t exist in a relationship, other harmful things which shouldn’t exist in a relationship would take the place of love.
A relationship with an unfaithful partner is also toxic. Such a relationship can leave the other partner hurt, heartbroken and frustrated; unfaithfulness defies the trust that should exist in a relationship. Also an unfaithful relationship could even leave the faithful partner with a chance of contracting HIV or other forms of STD’s, and that’s extremely toxic.
A relationship where a partner is taken for granted actually hurts, and this is found in not just relationships but even in marriages. When you are being taken for granted by your partner, it creates a feeling which might go on to affect other areas of your life. It’s toxic because it leaves such a partner hurt, demoralized and even depressed.
A relationship filled with lies is a toxic one; lies and deceit could kill the trust, love and passion in a relationship. Lies and deceit is a betrayal of a partner’s feelings and emotion. When you can’t trust your partner, how then can the relationship grow?
Selfishness or self-centeredness is a trait that shouldn’t exist in a relationship. When a relationship involves a partner or even both partners that base the relationship on just themselves then anything terrible could happen in such relationship. Relationship partners should be ready to sacrifice for their partner and anything other than that is toxic.
A relationship without passion is a relationship without life. Passion makes a relationship thick, it makes love glow and leaves romance burning. When there is a lack or decline in passion then the relationship would be so ordinary, and there is nothing really to write home about a passionless relationship.
These kinds of relationships are termed toxic because they are unhealthy and not good for anyone.
Would you describe your relationship as healthy or toxic?