old couple in love

The structure of a relationship is what determines how successful or unsuccessful that relationship would be. It’s the structure of a relationship that would determine if you and your partner can go on from just being in a relationship to getting married; it doesn’t just end there, it’s the structure that would also determine how successful that marriage would be.

Structure is important in everything we do, and relationship isn’t left out.

I would share seven important structures to build your relationship on


Love is to a relationship what money is to a bank; it’s the blood of the relationship, just as money is the blood of any financial institution. A relationship that’s been built on lust has already been built to fail because lust would never stand the test of time. There are so many times in a relationship when the chips would be so low, and what would matter at such times is how much you and your partner really care about each other — if you truly love each other, then you would want to go the extra mile to push through that stormy weather.


Understanding is always very important; no matter the love in a relationship, if there is no understanding, it would eventually crash. Understanding makes love easier and makes bond stronger; it is definitely one of those structures to build a relationship on.

Please continue reading in page 2
