No relationship crushes abruptly; the death of a relationship is a gradual process, but it’s one that most people don’t detect early enough.
The good thing about a relationship is that it’s not so difficult to detect if it’s a happy one or an unhappy one.
Below are early signs that your relationship is unhappy.
1. EGO
To a certain extent, everyone has an ego, no matter how little. Some have big ego while some have small ego. For a relationship to be a happy one, ego must not rear its ugly head; the presence of ego shows that a relationship is an unhappy one or it’s gradually moving towards being an unhappy one.
Ego can change everything within a short time; it can make partners put themselves first or make them not perform their roles.
When one or both partners start making comparisons then it’s an early sign that the relationship is heading towards that dreaded unhappy zone.
Comparing your relationship with another only shows that you are discontented with yours. When you’re happy with your relationship, there would be little or no reason to do that.
You could be having little or no issues with your partner, but that isn’t a guarantee that the relationship is a happy one. Once there is a bridge in that emotional connection between couples then that’s an early sign that there is fire on the mountain.
It always starts with an emotional disconnection, and if this isn’t fixed early, it would only keep getting worse.
When you have a relationship without complaints then that’s a beautiful thing, and that’s what many people are searching to find. However, when the relationship is unhappy and the complains are silent, with both partners keeping the grudges just in their mind then such a relationship is like a time bomb waiting to explode.
This is one of those early things that make a relationship crumble. When couples blame each other for every wrong, when both partners feel they are always right then that’s a sign of an unhappy relationship. If not careful, such blame games would escalate in the nearest future and even lead to fights and frequent quarreling.
When the man have needs which are unmet and the woman also have needs that are unmet then the relationship would start suffering from then onwards.
Unmet needs are a result of expectations that aren’t fulfilled; if couples aren’t careful, this can gradually wreck their relationship.
In a happy relationship, couples are each other’s number one confidant. However, when you no longer see your partner as a confidant then that’s a sign that your relationship is unhappy.
Your ought to find a best friend in your partner, and this would help the bond tighten the more.
These are early signs that your relationship is heading the wrong way, and if things aren’t handled at this point, the relationship would suffer on the long run.