A lot of people are only interested in taking care of their teeth and their breath, but know very little about the gum.
Do you know that there are certain things you ought to do for a healthier gum?
1. Brush twice daily. Brushing twice daily isn’t only important for your teeth, but your gum as well.
2. Use a soft toothbrush on your gum, and don’t brush too hard. Apply gentle pressure on the gums; it won’t hurt them or make them bleed.
3. Use a good mouthwash. This will help not only for a fresh breath, but to keep bacteria away.
4. Avoid chewing gum and sugary foods. They can lead to a build up of plaque and bacteria.
5. Drink milk and other dairy foods like yoghurt and cheese. They are not only rich in calcium but also the protein, casein which helps neutralises acid in the mouth. It can also neutralise plaque and bacterial activity in the mouth.
6. Eat apple. Apples aren’t only healthy and keep doctors away, but they’re good for your gums. Chewing an apple can help shake up the plaque that clings to the gum and teeth. But remember to rinse your mouth afterwards.
Do you want a healthier gum? These few tips might just be what you need.