A lot of the times people are carried away by superficial things when choosing a partner, and this is one of the major reasons relationship fail in the first place.
There is nothing wrong in having expectations about the partner you ought to date; but when your expectations go from being objective and realistic to being superficial then you might never get that true relationship.
There are certain things that shouldn’t really matter about the person you are dating; check them out:
You are the one in the relationship; what you feel and how you feel about your relationship is far more important than what your friends think about your partner. As long as you feel it’s right, you are happy and your partner makes you happy then that’s all that matters; if you keep bending your life around what people think and not what you think and how you feel, you might never have that dream relationship. Live your own dream.
This is also another one that many people also pay a lot of concentration to, when they shouldn’t. Whether your partner’s friends like or loathe you wouldn’t determine how successful or unsuccessful the relationship would be. The most important thing is the love and respect your partner has for you — every other thing is superficial.
A lot of people place emphasis on style and fashion as a priority for entering a relationship — celebrities especially, that’s why a lot of their relationships capsize. If you are attracted to a person but feel they aren’t trendy enough, there is no harm in helping that person become more stylish; having a trendy partner is no guarantee for a successful relationship.
It baffles me when some people place unimportant things such as likes and dislikes of their partner as a reason for dating or not dating that person. You might hate sports and your partner love sports but that doesn’t mean a thing except you make it mean something. Having same likes and dislikes don’t guarantee a successful relationship; what matters more is the level of understanding you and your partner have.
Some go as far as placing higher priority on the shape and build of their partner rather than that special personality trait in their partner that makes them compatible. “He must have well-toned six packs”, “She must have a shape as perfect as Beyoncé”; if this comes first when choosing a relationship partner, you are getting it all wrong. There is nothing wrong in having a sexy and hot partner, but it should never be number one on the list.
A lot of people also love the kind of partner I refer to as trophy partner; a partner they chose not really because of how they feel about that person but how others feel about that person. You shouldn’t choose a partner because other people gush about having them in their lives or because they are the most desirable; that’s already a wrong foundation for choosing your partner, and that relationship would hardly ever last.
Choose a partner for the right reasons and only the right reasons.