I previously wrote on 6 signs he’s about to dump you, writing in details all the acts men take before they leave their lady. Surprisingly, men also reacted that they would love to know the signs that a lady is about to dump them, hence, the need for this article.
If you pay attention, it’s as well easy to know that your lady would leave you soon; only if you pay attention; because you might think all is well, but all might be far from well.
The bad thing about a lady dumping her man is that, for her to make this bold decision then she has had enough of the relationship and would be out of it with no hesitation, and at this stage, you can hardly do much to win her back. She might have found another man, or is being wooed by another man or she just needs a break from relationship troubles.
Below are six sure signs that your lady would be dumping you soon.
Ladies are very emotional; when they are in a relationship, they pay attention to everything about their man; they tend to notice everything he does down to the last detail. A man might hardly notice a lady’s hair and some other petty things, but a lady would notice down to the least expected thing; that’s a lady that still cares about her relationship. However, the moment she begins to lose that zeal to take notice of you then you should beware, that lady would be leaving you sooner than you think.
Trust me; body language says it all; sometimes our bodies don’t lie about our emotions. How does she feel when with you? How does she react when you two are alone? If she feels heavy about your presence but feels better when with others then it just means she isn’t just tired of being with you but is also waiting for the right time to dump you for good.
There are so many things that show this loss of interest, so many changes in her character would show that she has really lost interest. First, she doesn’t smile at your jokes anymore even if she used to a whole lot, she doesn’t miss you anymore when you are away and doesn’t look forward to being with you, she would stay weeks without you and won’t bother, there is no spark in her eyes, she doesn’t smile at you anymore, she won’t do things for you anymore and if she does, it would be done grudgingly. There are so many signs that would signify loss of interest, and they can also be revealed by her body language.
When the relationship is still active, you would notice that you can talk on the phone with her for hours, when with her there’s so much to talk about, she listens to you and she talks freely too; that’s because she’s interested in you. But when she’s fed up and about to dump you, conversations between you two would become very dry, and she would hardly contribute much. When you are away, she would hardly text, call, chat or do anything to improve her communication level with you.
These three things always go together when a lady is getting ready to dump her man. First, we all know that ladies are normally emotional, but when she stops being emotional then you have every reason to worry. Second, she becomes a little rude to you when she knows she doesn’t want you anymore; her usual charm turns rude suddenly. Finally, she would stop complaining. To be honest, it’s better if your lady complains about you than when she stops complaining. When she complains, it means she still cares about you but wants you to change; but when she stops complaining totally then it means she has had enough and can’t take it anymore; she would definitely be leaving you soon.
PDA is always a revealing sign for men and ladies, mostly ladies. Ladies love clinging to their man, they love showing affection, they love marking their territory and they love it too when their man does same. The funny thing about women is, the moment they start losing interest in you, PDA dies gradually, and when they finally lose all the interest there would be zero level of PDA. Believe me fellas, when it reaches this level, she would be dumping you sooner than you think.
With these signs be rest assured that your lady would be leaving you soon. The only advice I can give is, treat your lady right at all times, never let it reach this stage because once it gets to this stage, you might never get her back.
This is so true,