Is there really a set guideline for having a happy marriage? We all promise to be with each other forever when we make our marriage vows but the truth is it really isn’t easy as it seems.

It should be noted that while there are guidelines that can guide us towards having a happy marriage, these guidelines are still no guarantees that our marriage would work 100% because every marriage is unique.

According to a survey in which 2000 couples were asked what they feel is the secret to a happy marriage, below are 50 secrets to a happy marriage

1. Trusting each other

2. Same sense of humour

3. Always being honest with each other

4. Remember birthdays and anniversaries

5. Accepting each other’s faults

6. Compromising

7. Saying ‘I love you’ regularly

8. Knowing when to say sorry

9. Being able to laugh at each other

10. Having a similar outlook on life

11. Regular hugs/cuddles

12. Always kiss each other goodnight

13. The occasional romantic gesture

14. Considering your partner to be your best friend

15. Sharing the parenting duties

16. Always kiss each other goodbye in the mornings

17. Having some shared hobbies and interests

18. Always talk about a problem rather than bottling it up

19. Ask each other about their day

20. Regular sex

21. Having some different hobbies and interests

22. Knowing when to give each other some space

23. Never going to sleep on an argument

24. Regular holidays/mini breaks

25. Having similar aims and ambitions

26. Having the odd argument or disagreement

27. Continuing to make an effort to look nice for your partner

28. Getting on with each other’s family

29. Setting aside quality time for each other

30. Holding hands when you are out and about

31. Regularly complimenting each other

32. Having your own friends as well as mutual friends

33. Two TVs in the house

34. Getting on with each other’s friends

35. Each having a car

36. Still shaving/grooming

37. Each having equal share of the lie-ins when you have children

38. Separate bank accounts

39. Having regular nights out with friends, without your partner

40. Surprise gifts/presents

41. Not being friends with ANY ex-partners on Facebook

42. A rota to divide up the household chores

43. Regular date nights

44. Two bathrooms/toilets

45. Not having one person hogging the remote control

46. Similar working hours

47. Knowing each other’s passcode for their phone

48. A secret stash of cash they know nothing about

49. Keeping some things private (not going to the toilet in front of each other etc)

50. A night or two a week where neither of you use computers/laptops/phones etc


So what do you think about the result of the poll? Do you agree with list?




  1. Evans Lwambula | March 7, 2017 at 3:30 pm |

    I do agree with about 50 %

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