It is absolutely normal for some women to become side chicks without their knowledge; usually as a consequence of getting involved with a promiscuous / unfaithful partner. But believe it or not, not every side-chick is completely unaware of her (new) status. There are women who take on the position of a side-chick in a man’s life, even with complete knowledge of what they’re getting into; although most become aware of the development midway into the relationship. Whichever way you want to look at it from, the point is that there are women who are willing to be ‘the other woman’ in a man’s life. So why is this so? Well, let’s find out!
Having no one to lean on, hang with, laugh with, and share special moments with, believe me, the situation can feel pretty awkward. So when some women think about it, they get very desperate, and can settle for any available man — even if he’s in a serious relationship or married at the time. To them, it doesn’t matter what title or position they’re given in the relationship, as long as they get to be with someone.
There are women who have no mind of their own; once pressure comes from any quarters, they cave in and do things they ordinarily wouldn’t (shouldn’t). This has led many into wrong relationships and affairs. There are women who also like to follow the crowd; the moment they realize that most of their friends are getting hitched, they become desperate to themselves, and can get into whatever relationship just so they feel among, and not left out.
Not every woman has a sense of dignity and respect for her self-worth, some are so desperate for money and material gains, that they’re willing to do anything to fulfill their needs and satisfy the urge; even if it comes down to being a side-chick for any man. These sorts of people consider dating a hustle.
Some women become side-chicks in hope that somewhere along the line, in the near future; they perhaps, may get lucky. That their partner might actually become attached to them for real, and find them worthy of the ‘main chick’ position eventually. Lol. Twisted hope, right?
When you have no sense of value for yourself, and see yourself as undeserving of the best, you tend to accept just anything and anyone that comes your way. I think this is the case for a lot of these women who settle for the position of a side-chick. They do not know their worth and value; they do not know that they’re beautiful inside out, so they settle for less.
Every woman is beautifully and wonderfully made, and deserves only the best. Never settle for less!
When you have no sense of value for yourself, and see yourself as undeserving of the best, you tend to accept just anything and anyone that comes your way. I think this is the case for a lot of these women who settled for the position of a side-chick. They do not know their worth and value; they do not know that they’re beautiful inside out, so they settle for less.
I think materialism is the biggest reason. Too many women run after money these days