A lot of people snore and don’t even know it, while many snore so deeply that it’s almost impossible to have a sound sleep when with them.
Snoring occurs as a result of vibration within your airways. In most people, snoring is at its peak during REM sleep, as blockages mostly occur around the airways during sleep.
Many people care less about their snoring habit, as they take it as a normal occurrence that’s a part of them. Snoring most times is caused by certain bad habits people keep. Below are certain habits that can lead to snoring.
Alcohol intake, especially when it’s excessive can lead to snoring and even sleep apnoea. The muscles become more relaxed and cause further constriction of the airways when under the influence of alcohol. Drinking alcohol late in the night or just before sleep would compound your snoring woes.
Exposure to cold wouldn’t just leave you with flu, but can also cause you to snore the more. The more exposed you are to cold weather conditions, the more likely you would be getting your airways restricted or getting your nose blocked and this could lead to snoring.
Cigarette smoking can also cause you to snore. It could irritate the lining of your airways, causing them to swell and constrict your airways and breathing in turn, causing you to snore.
Being overweight would also increase your chances of snoring as fatty tissue would build up along your airways to further constrict it. Lack of exercising can contribute to fatty tissue building up along your airways and this would lead to snoring.
Poor sleeping positions can cause your muscles to relax more and in turn cause snoring. Sleeping on your back is one sleep position that can cause snoring as it would have hold on an already relaxed muscle.
These five habits would contribute greatly to snoring, and snoring is one habit that would make it difficult for your partner to sleep comfortably with you. Read 5 ways you can stop snoring, if you truly want to curb the habit of snoring.