Children are a blessing, and inasmuch as we see them as little kids, there are many things we can pick up from them that would help our relationship.
After studying how children relate with each other, I picked four of their traits that should be brought into our relationships, and with these traits relationship would be a lot better.
It’s funny how children forgive one another with ease, but adults harbour grudge in their minds against their partners. When children who are friends fight, they can be seen the next minute playing together because they always find a way in their little minds to forgive each other; however, the same cannot be said of adults in relationships.
Hardly would you see a child that keep secrets, harbour hate and remember old grievances — this makes them free at that tender age with little to worry about. How many times would you find a relationship where partners are free and open-minded with each other? It’s quite a rare sight. Having this free spirit with your partner would make a lot of things easier in your relationship.
Kids that are friends love being together and if given the chance they would spend almost every minute of their time with that person they call a friend. This makes them happy and it says a lot about what togetherness can do. However, in relationships these days and even marriages, we have cases of emotionally distanced partners and couples that have little desire to build togetherness.
4. FUN
Children most times see adult lives as boring and unexciting… and you wouldn’t blame them for their thinking. Most times, we become engulfed in work and other activities that we forget to have fun and enjoy moments with our partners — this is even a huge reason why relationships and marriages get stale. Have fun times with your partner; build a successful and happy relationship.
If we can add some of these things to our relationships, it would get better.