If you are on a weight loss plan or you just want to watch what you eat so you don’t end up fat, it’s really important you watch what you eat.
Sometimes the healthy foods we swap to help us achieve our weight loss program or ensure we don’t get fat are surprisingly high in calories and fats and could actually ruin our weight loss plan and make us fat.
Below are 16 healthy foods that can make you fat
1. NUTS:
Nuts are healthy foods that are rich in vitamins E, protein, fibre and also Omega-3 fatty acids that are good for the heart but they are also high in calories. Eating nuts in moderate quantities is therefore advised as a quarter cup of nuts (eg almonds) contains 132 calories.
Everyone wants a glass of smoothie because it is actually healthy. It is a glass of blended fruit, veggies and ice but the problem creeps in when ingredients like frozen yoghurt, flavoured syrups, chocolates are added. These ingredients increase the calorie content in the smoothie thereby making you fat and ruining your weight loss program. A healthy smoothie should contain only fresh or unsweetened frozen fruit, ice, unsweetened milk and plain yoghurt.
Yoghurts are healthy meals that give us calcium which helps build our bones but they are only healthy when its plain yoghurt. A small cup of your favourite yoghurt could sometimes contain 26 grams of sugar which would ensure you get fat and ruin your weight loss plan. Ensure you go for plain yoghurts instead.
Turkey is healthier than beef. That’s so true but what type of turkey are you buying? Most go for ground turkey instead of opting for 95% lean turkey. The problem with ground turkey is a pound contains 3 grams of saturated fat which would definitely make you fat and ruin your weight loss program.
We are advised to regularly take a glass of milk which contains calcium needed for your bones, vitamins A and also protein but a cup of whole milk can also ruin your weight loss plan and make you fat because it contains 150 calories and 8 grams of fat. You are advised to switch to nonfat milk and also watch the quantity you take.
There is really nothing wrong with frozen fruits if it’s just fruit as its content and nothing added. Frozen fruit is as good as fresh fruits if sugar isn’t added to it like most frozen fruits you buy. So ensure the next time you get yourself some, it’s just fruit and nothing else.
Avocado is a healthy food that is good for the heart because it contains monounsaturated fats. It also contains antioxidants and belly filling fibre but it can also make you fat and ruin your weight loss plan if you don’t watch your intake because a single avocado contains 350 calories. Take them in moderate quantities.
When compared to traditional beef burgers, veggie burgers have less fat and cholesterol but adding cheese, ketchup and mayonnaise can increase the calorie content to 1,000 which ruins your weight loss program and makes you fat.
Fruits are actually healthy and they contain lots of vitamins, fibres, water and antioxidants but the problem is fruits like mangoes, bananas and grapes naturally contain more sugar than other fruits. So eating unlimited quantities of these fruits would get you fat and ruin your weight loss plan. Enjoy your banana, mangoes and grapes in moderate quantities.
This is a very healthy food because it contains vitamins A and C and zero fat but the problem comes with the added sugar and salt that some flavours come with. Sticking to a tablespoon per serving is important.
11. SALAD:
Salad is a healthy food if it’s not loaded with cheese, creamy dressing etc. Adding these ingredients make your salad more fattening and this ensures you get fat, ruining your weight loss plan.
Coffee is good for us because they contain antioxidants that help fight diseases but taking a large latte with whole milk means you get 300 calories and 15 grams of fat which gets you fat and ruins your weight loss program. Drinking it black is always the best.
Chocolate contains disease-fighting polyphenols which our body really needs but when we consume so much, it would definitely get us fat and ruin our weight loss plan because an ounce of dark chocolate contains 155 calories and 9 grams of fat.
Yes red wine can make you fat, ruining your weight loss plan because a 5-ounce serving contains 130 calories. Taking it in moderate quantity is advised so we can enjoy the many benefits of red wine.
Fruits are healthy but consuming lots of dry fruits can make you fat because a cup of raisins contains 460 calories when compared to 60 calories a cup of fresh grapes contains. So ensure you take dried fruits sparingly so you don’t ruin your weight loss plan.
Lots of people are choosing whole wheat bread today but if it’s not 100% whole wheat, you might still get fat. Most of the whole wheat bread we buy have had the whole wheat grinded into fine flour which is easy to digest and also spike the blood sugar just as your normal white bread.