If you are in your late 20s and you still do anyone of the stuffs in this list, then I think you need to ask yourself some questions. When you are in your 20s, you are allowed to make mistakes because those years are there for making mistakes, learning from them, and bridging the gap between pre-adulthood and adulthood.
Now you are in your late 20s, it is expected you have learnt from this mistake and you are now ready to live like an adult.
Below are 20 things everyone should stop doing in their late 20s
1. Stop waiting around for things to happen
2. Stop Facebook stalking your ex, move on with your life.
3. Life is too short to keep hanging out with wrong friends.
4. Stop having hangovers that leave you feeling lousy for days and prevent you from working and doing stuffs that make life worthwhile.
5. Stop playing video games all the time, you just can’t spend all your free time on video games, there are other things you should do with your time.
6. Quit staying in bad relationships, it is expected you know it’s harmful to remain in a bad and unhealthy relationship.
7. Stop living off your parents, you should learn to cater for yourself now.
8. Stop building up debts and learn to live within your means.
9. Hanging out weeknight when you have to hit the office the following day.
10. Stop procrastinating and start doing it now.
11. Stop regretting things from the past and learn to deal with the present.
12. Stop dressing like a teenager.
13. Stop being scared of getting older and start enjoying getting older.
14. Stop driving recklessly. At this age, you should be the one encouraging the younger generation to drive carefully.
15. Stop adding new tattoos as this doesn’t make you look responsible. You could lose a job interview because of this.
16. Stop posting silly things on Facebook.
17. Stop spending money extravagantly and start learning to save.
18. Stop holding on to old grudges.
19. Stop avoiding taking responsibilities for things.
20. Stop giving up when things seem hard.
What else do you think I missed?
Don’t tell me what to do.
Good article though.