
They say the quality of a man lies in the smile of his lady. When a relationship is going too well, the lady would be happy, and when the lady is happy, the relationship would be a happy one.

So how can you make your lady smile?

1. Value her, love her and treat her like the most important person in your life.

2. Call her beautiful, make her feel beautiful, and let her know that she’s beautiful to you.

3. Tell her how much she means to you.

4. Let her be the only woman in your life.

5. Recognise the small things that matter to her. They really mean a lot.

6. Be kind to her, be caring and be romantic.

7. Spend time with her, give her attention and take her out on dates.

8. Don’t be the all too serious guy; show her your humorous side.

9. Let her be herself around you.

10. Make her a priority in your life and not an option.

11. Show her care and attention.

12. Spoil her with gifts and treats.

13. Try to understand her.

14. Don’t be shy to hold her hands even when with friends. Let her know that she’s valued even when with family and friends.

15. Compliment her.

16. Appreciate her.

17. Send her cute messages.

18. Let her be the one to sleep in your arms.

19. Don’t do things to hurt her.

20. Be the guy who does charming things to sweep her off her feet.


Making a lady smile might not really be a problem like algebra. If you’ve found the right lady, then be the one to put a smile on her face — a broad smile at that.

