Every relationship has the potential of blossoming into something spectacular and wonderful with the right effort.

Below are 20 relationship rules that matter

1. Always try to end an argument with your partner as soon as possible.

2. Always compliment your partner however small his/her efforts may be.

3. Avoid holding grudges and learn to forgive. You can’t have a successful relationship if you don’t forgive.

4. Respect is important in every relationship. Respect your partner.

5. Never argue with your partner in public.

6. Never let yourself go. Avoid looking shabby; always look good.

7. Go out on dates regularly with your partner.

8. Never take your partner for granted.

9. Don’t be too clingy. Learn to give your partner space sometimes.

10. Regular communication is important in every relationship. Communicate regularly with your partner.

11. Love your partner without expecting anything back. Selflessness in relationships is very important.

12. Learn to see things from your partner’s point of view.

13. Be patient with your partner.

14. Don’t expect your partner to be a perfect person.

15. Celebrate special days like birthdays and anniversaries with your partner.

16. Trust your partner.

17. Never badmouth your partner. You should avoid saying negative things about your partner to others.

18. Learn to spend quality time with your partner.

19. Surprise your partner with gifts regularly.

20. Avoid comparing your relationship to that of others. No relationship is alike.

