Love alone can’t make a relationship last. There are several other things you need to have in your relationship if you want a long-lasting relationship.
Here are 17 tips that will help you build a long-lasting relationship:
1. If you want a long-lasting relationship, you have to learn to forgive. Holding grudges will destroy your relationship.
2. Not all arguments are worth having. Choose your battles wisely and avoid pointless arguments with your partner.
3. Spend quality time with your partner. You grow as a couple and bond together when you spend quality time together.
4. Maintain open lines of communication in your relationship. Your partner should be able to talk to you about anything.
5. If you want a long-lasting relationship, you have to be accountable for your actions. Own up to your mistakes and avoid making excuses.
6. Don’t be too proud to apologise. Say sorry when you wrong your partner.
7. You have to be willing to make compromises if you want a long-lasting relationship. You and your partner can’t agree on everything and you have to be willing to find a middle ground.
8. Respect your partner’s friends. You don’t have to like them but you should respect them if you want a long-lasting relationship.
9. Always make your partner feel appreciated by saying “thank you” when he or she does something nice.
10. Give without expecting anything in return.
11. Do not take your partner for granted. Make your partner feel truly valued.
12. Resolve any disagreement between you and your partner as soon as possible. Make an effort to be on good terms with each other and this would require compromise.
13. Be there for your partner when problems arise.
14. Avoid doing things that belittle your partner. You should lift your partner up and not bring him/her down.
15. Be affectionate. Hold your partner’s hand, kiss your partner and cuddle without it always leading to sex.
16. Have regular date nights with your partner.
17. Be playful. Don’t always act too serious when around your partner, learn to show your playful side when with your partner.