Here are 15 motivational quotes from some of the greatest and wisest minds in the world that will help pave your path for greatness.

1. “Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people.” – Eleanor Roosevelt

2. “Start by doing what’s necessary; then do what is possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.” – Francis of Assisi

3. “He who can see three days ahead will be rich for three thousand years.” – Japanese Proverb

4. “The man on top of the mountain didn’t fall there.” – Vince Lombard

5. “Hard work beats talent when talent fails to work hard.” – Kevin Durant

6. “Wise men speak because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something.” – Plato

7. “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” – Jim Rohn

8. “Have more than you show, speak less than you know.” – William Shakespeare

9. “Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.” – Arthur Ashe

10. “Never let anyone define who you can become.” – Magic Johnson

11. “The biggest communication problem is we do not listen to understand. We listen to reply.” – Stephen R. Covey

12. “If people are trying to bring you down, it only means you are above them.” – Anonymous

13. “I am not a product of my circumstances. I am a product of my decisions.” – Stephen Covey

14. “Build your own dreams or someone else will hire you to build theirs.” – Farrah Gray

15. “Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.” Charles R. Swindoll

