Infidelity can negatively impact on relationships in the worst way. It truly pays to be a faithful partner.

Here are 15 consequences of infidelity

1. You destroy the trust and intimacy in your relationship when you cheat on your partner.

2. You put your partner through a great amount of emotional trauma because he/she trusted you and believed in you.

3. Your partner might never truly forgive you for cheating.

4. Your friends, family and children will be disappointed and this would cause them to question your integrity. Your children might never forgive you.

5. Your partner might retaliate and cheat on you too. Would you want this?

6. Your partner might end the relationship and walk away.

7. You risk the health of your partner as you might get STDs due to your infidelity.

8. An unwanted child could be produced when you cheat and this could rock the foundations of your relationship.

9. Recovering your relationship after an affair can be extremely challenging as your partner could continue to ponder the details of your affair and continuously watch out for further signs of betrayal.

10. Your partner might suffer from extreme self-doubt and loss of self-esteem which could make him or her insecure.

11. Your partner might continually recall your affair in future because overcoming distrust after infidelity can be hard sometimes.

12. You suffer from the emotional consequences of guilt.

13. You might never forgive yourself if you are caught and your partner ends the relationship.

14. Your relationship might never be the same again even if your partner forgives you.

15. Your finances would take a hit as you have to spend your limited resources on keeping both relationship.

Cheating is never worth it.

