One of the major issues people trying to lose weight have is the constant hunger they might experience due to dieting and the thoughts of going to the gym.
A new diet plan called The High Fat Diet claims to facilitate up to 10lb of weight loss in just 14 days while allowing you to eat foods traditionally banned on weight loss plans.
The diet plan is developed by nutritionist and personal trainer Zana Morris and the diet is a combination of high-fat nutrition and high-intensity training.
“Forget counting calories, feeling hungry, hours of exercise or months of watching the scales slowly shift downwards, and forget bran or anything else that tastes like cardboard,” Ms Morris says.
So what do you have to do you might ask?
According to the book, those on the plan eat plenty of high-fat foods – like nuts, avocado, butter and even cream cheese and also do maximum of 12 minutes of exercise a day – none of which is on a running machine or exercise bike.
So how does this plan really work?
The reason the plan works is the impact fat has on a hormone called insulin. Insulin is released when you eat and its job is shuttle glucose into cells where it can be used as fuel. Insulin production depends on which foods you consume.
Carbohydrates produce the highest level of insulin while protein produces the lowest level but dietary fat doesn’t trigger any direct rise in insulin at all and that’s where the consumption of dietary fats comes into play.
When you swap to a diet that consists of a lot of high-fat foods and very few carbohydrates and you create a situation where insulin is low and you remove your body’s normal source of fuel. The body needs energy and to get the energy it needs, it has to switch to using fat instead.
Every time a bit of fat leaves the cells to be used as energy the fat cells get smaller and lighter and so do you.
For more on how to lose weight without the gym and getting hungry, you definitely have to read Ms Zana Morris book – THE HIGH FAT DIET.