
Having a good man/woman is very important for a relationship to be successful. What makes a partner good is the qualities they have; a good partner will have good traits that’ll make the relationship better. Genuine love and affection, trustworthiness, kindness, honesty, being able to forgive, commitment — are some qualities of a good partner. But it doesn’t just end at being a good person/partner; you can be a good person and not be a good partner to someone else; you cannot be a good partner to everyone — it wouldn’t just work with some people, no matter how hard you try.

But when you have found that good partner that’s right for you and that’s true to you, it’s very important not to give up on that partner. And this is where many people have gotten it wrong. Many people have lost a good partner and a great relationship for very silly reasons, only to regret it later on. Pride, ego, self-centredness, grudges and a lot of irrelevant things have made good marriages and relationships to crumble. Anger is another reason many good relationships have been lost.

There is no perfect partner, neither is there a perfect relationship; so throwing away what you have for irrelevant reasons is never a wise decision.

When you have a good man/woman in your life and you have a good relationship with each other, filled with love, trust and commitment, then you should never let anyone or anything take that away from you.

