A lot of people confuse infatuation and love, for some people, they can’t tell them apart, and they don’t even know which they’re feeling most of the time. You can’t really blame people like this because truth be told, infatuation and love do feel the same way sometimes.

It takes a lot of carefulness and thorough examination to know which you’re feeling. However, there are some distinguishing features between the two of them. I will shed more light on these features in the next paragraph.

Love builds slowly, Infatuation doesn’t; it comes like a flash. You gradually grow into love. You get to know the person, and you’re not in a hurry to own them to yourself. Love allows room for personal space, infatuation doesn’t.

Love is long-lasting, infatuation is mostly short-lived. It comes like a flash, and goes like a flash. Love gives you a sense of security because the feelings are always clear. They never lie. Infatuation is mostly about physical attraction and beauty, while love is more about the personality. Infatuation breeds lust, love breeds friendship and understanding.

Like I mentioned earlier, it’s never easy to just tell them apart at once from the start, but with carefulness and patience you will always know when it’s real.

