Love and infatuation can be quite confusing. Infatuation is a powerful feeling that can make you think you are in love.

Here are 20 ways to tell the difference between love and infatuation

1. Love takes a while to develop while infatuation happens instantly.

2. Love accepts flaws while infatuation expects perfection.

3. Love is mature while infatuation is childish.

4. Love compromises while infatuation is selfish.

5. Love genuinely forgives while infatuation holds grudges.

6. Love let go while infatuation makes a deal out of small things.

7. Love is deep and can last for a long time while infatuation is intense but short-lived.

8. Infatuation focuses on physical appearance while love is more than physical attraction.

9. Love deepens with time while infatuation burns out quickly and can leave feelings of emptiness.

10. You feel secure when in love while infatuation makes you feel insecure.

11. Love seeks to find a common ground during an argument while infatuation can’t handle conflict.

12. Love is exclusive while infatuation is never content with one person.

13. Love answers your questions while infatuation keeps you guessing.

14. Love allows you to be 100% your true self while infatuation fakes because you aren’t sure if your partner would accept you as yourself.

15. LoveĀ  uses “we” and “us” while infatuation uses “I”.

16. Love has realistic standards while infatuation has unrealistic expectations.

17. Love calms you down while infatuation makes you act irrational.

18. Love has genuine intentions while infatuation has ulterior motives.

19. Jealousy is a sign of infatuation while love trusts and understands.

20. Being infatuated with someone is draining while love gives you energy.

