We have heard people say it’s ‘wrong’ and ‘disrespectful’ to get involved with the same person your friend has been with in the past, but the funny thing is, every time people say that, they don’t usually back it up with a solid reason. It’s always something about ‘girl codes’ and ‘boy codes’. Who made these codes? Who says your heart has to follow codes when it comes to whom to love or like? If it has to be that way, then, there’s nothing genuine about it. In my little experience, no one ever gets to choose who they really love, especially when it’s true, these things just happen sometimes.

I understand why anyone may feel like they’re betraying a friendship by dating their friend’s ex; it’s mostly because you feel like you would be hurting your friend’s feelings, but really, you wouldn’t. Your friend decided to call it quits with the other person, it was their decision to leave, not yours, so why should anything stop you from being with that person if eventually, you get to know them, and they’re worth giving a try? The only reason one may have to think twice about dating their friend’s ex is if their friend was actually dumped, and it wasn’t a mutual break up. In that case, your friend didn’t want to end the relationship, but was forced into it.

Other than that, I can’t see any other reason why one can’t possibly date their friend’s ex. And I think that those who have a problem with it need to grow up. It’s plain immaturity and wickedness (for lack of a milder word) for one to be against their friend trying to do something they think makes them happy. The fact that it didn’t work between you and this person doesn’t mean it’ll be the same with another. And for anyone reading this who likes their friend’s ex, please, don’t let anybody stop you from being happy. Do whatever makes you happy, as long as you aren’t stealing another’s partner. Lol.
