There are certain traits you should possess before you can really tell yourself that you are ready for a relationship. For most people, being single is a sign that they are ready for a relationship and this is so wrong.
Here are 10 signs that show you are ready for a relationship
1. You know you are ready for a relationship if you are only willing to accept unconditional love from your partner.
2. You know you are ready to be in a relationship if you are ok being single and you are not in a hurry to be in a relationship.
3. You know you are ready for a relationship if you see a relationship as a want and not a need.
4. You know you are ready for a relationship if you are truly over your last relationship and the resentment and anger from the last relationship is gone.
5. You know you are ready for a relationship if you know what you want from a relationship and insist on what you want.
6. You know you are ready for a relationship when you are not looking for a partner to fill an emptiness inside of you.
7. You know you are ready for a relationship when you know your worth. When you know your worth, you will be able to attract a partner that will respect you.
8. You know you are ready for love when you first love yourself. No one can truly love you if you don’t love yourself.
9. You know you are ready for love when you don’t move around with the aim of searching for a partner but you instead concentrate on your developing yourself.
10. You know you are ready for loveĀ when everything isn’t about yourself and you are willing to put a smile on people’s faces.